Voltage Synthesizer Basics
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Monday, February 6, 2017
Voltage Synthesizer Basic Building Block Circuit Diagrams
The basic block diagrams for a voltage synthesizer is actually a process that shows you how to connect an alternating current parallel branch with another parallel branch, in series while at the same time isolating these parallel branches from each other. Therefore the result at the output load of the series part of the circuit has a voltage drop over it that adds the voltages present in each parallel branch. For example - if one branch has 120 volts going down it and another also has 120 volts going down it, then these would add to make 240 volts just as long as these voltages are in phase with each for constructive interference to occur. Then only 50% of the current is needed thus saving electricity or you could run two bulbs or two heaters at the same time for the price of one.
The diagrams and descriptions explain how to connect two parallel circuit voltages into a series circuit for the purpose of adding (increasing) alternating current voltages. They also show how to isolate one branch from another with the use of an 1 :1 ratio transformer, when there is only one input source or AC power supply. This is not amplification, but pure addition or doubling of the voltage. This can be applied to more than two branches if desired, so three branches would then triple the voltage, etc. to a certain limit depending on the ratings of the transformers.
received by the International Bureau on 11 October 2016
Voltage Synthesizer Basic Building Block Circuit Diagrams:
1. The voltage synthesizer process enables the user to connect two or more parallel branches into a series circuit for the purpose of adding AC (alternating current) voltages via constructive interference of the waveform while isolating the parallel branches from each another with the use of an 1:1 ratio no-step transformer to make the complete circuit act as if there is more than one input power source when there is only one source; however, the limit depends on the VA (wattage) ratings of all the transformers used in the series-parallel circuit.
Copyright 2015-12-21 by Mark L. Harris
Technical Field of Interest
All electricians, electronic technicians & technologists, and electrical & electronic engineers. Transformer manufacturing engineers may be specifically delighted with this new potential innovation for power supply technology. Civil engineers will also make use of this regarding various things they design including with their pumps in waterways, irrigation, etc. Environmental engineers will be highly interested since it will be a partial pollution solution and natural resources saver. Research scientists especially in electrochemistry and atomic energy (various bonding techniques forming molecules, isomers, isotopes, ions, etc.) will desire a complex voltage synthesizer to give them various levels of voltage and/or current for their experiments. The basic diagram # 3 is simple enough for even the electrical or electronic hobbyist, but all readers/viewers must take heed of the NOT warnings for two of the diagrams.
Background of the Invention
In 1989 I began to believe that it was possible to invent the voltage synthesizer and wrote about doing this with laser beams using constructive interference, but the prototype was too difficult to construct and align. Later in 1992 I moved to my current home where I found an old 300VA no-step isolation transformer in the garage left by a previous owner due to its heavy weight. I had the idea that it should be possible to add the primary coil voltage to the secondary coil voltage to make 240 volts AC, but I found out I could not make a light bulb light up and did not understand why until perhaps 2014/2015, then I sketched many schematics and tried a few built circuits until I finally got Diagram 3 to work on December 15th, 2015. If the happenings in my life did not happen then of course I wouldn’t have moved into my present home and found the transformer and all this would not have occurred during the time it did and perhaps never would have occurred if fate didn’t lead me down this path. You can read more about these transformers beginning on line 265.
Object of the Invention
The primary object is to show and enable everyone, who uses the invention, that a higher voltage can be obtained from a lower voltage via the methods involved in its functioning to allow for constructive interference with in-phase or synchronized input connections of all the wiring which is different from amplification using transistors and other active components; therefore, this method is more a passive way yet simpler way of voltage reinforcement.
Brief Description of the Diagrams
The symbols in the diagrams include only transformers, load resistors (for the light bulbs as explained in the description below), wiring, and either the AC voltage sine wave source symbol or a two-prong male plug which is connected to a cord that plugs into a duplex receptacle (wall outlet) or multiple strip outlet. Diagram 7 has the addition of switches.
Diagram 1 shows how to connect the parallel parts of the circuit into a series circuit to double the voltage, BUT it also shows what MUST NOT be done to avoid a mishap (electrical shock or a short-circuit resulting in an electrical fire). Begins on line 119.
Diagram 2 shows what diagram 1 does using two power sources instead of one. 151.
Diagram 3 shows the correct way to connect diagram 1 without the danger of a short circuit or getting shocked. Line 182.
Diagram 4 shows another method of connecting the input voltage branches that MUST NOT be done to avoid the same problem diagram 1 depicts, but diagram 4 also helps explain the process of the invention. Line 305.
Diagram 5 shows a faster way to add voltages using a cascaded method and a transformer with a variable tap on the secondary coil is used to allow the user to synthesize odd voltages such as 547 volts, which will open up wide the potential for scientific research where precise levels are desired. Lines 368 and 457 update.
Diagram 6 shows how to triple the voltage, i.e., from 12 volts to 36 volts or 120 volts to 360 volts. Lines 393 and 457update.
Diagram 7 adds switches and a 5:1 ratio step-down transformer to the circuit which allows even greater savings in electricity while keeping the output at the same safe level of present 120 volt AC systems in America, Canada, etc. Line 485.
The diagrams can be seen better by clicking on the Documents tab and then viewing the 16p PDF listed. Diagrams created with the free tool at www.digikey.ca/schemeit.
Description and Theory
You may ask and exclaim, "What? A voltage synthesizer? That's impossible!" But if a frequency synthesizer is possible, then a voltage synthesizer is also possible. Voltage or amplitude is just another parameter of a waveform like wavelength, frequency, and the slope or shape of the wave are parameters of an alternating current signal. Then there is also the electric field and the magnetic field, of a waveform or electro-magnetic signal, which very little is known about. Now think of a tiny 1.5 volt AAA battery. If you could contain all the capacity of electrical current and/or voltage from this battery and squeeze it into just one second of work, that would be a lot of energy, in fact I think it could amount to an explosion of some magnitude. We just need to know how to tap into this. My discovery just scratches the potential of this tapping that is possible. Now with 120 volts alternating current coming out of your wall outlet (duplex receptacle), this has a lot of potential electromotive force available as I will prove in this document with the six diagrams included.
How do we create a voltage synthesizer? By first constructing a series-parallel circuit which adds the input parallel voltages when they are isolated from each other and then connecting them in series at the same moment we isolate them. Consider two flashlight batteries. They are connected in series resulting in two 1.5 volt batteries equalling 3 volts, but the current remains the same as if the current is coming from just one battery. In series, the positive of the first battery is connected to the negative of the second battery and then the positive of this battery is connected to the light bulb which is then connected to the negative of the first battery. With batteries connected in parallel, the positive on one battery is connected to the positive of another battery and the negatives of the two batteries are connected together. Parallel connected batteries results in the same voltage as one battery, but the current adds, so if one battery puts out 10 milliamperes then two batteries in parallel will output 20 milliamperes, but the voltage will remain at 1.5 volts rather than 3 volts. This is for direct current only. For alternating current it is different because electricity behaves differently in this case.
Voltage synthesis here will work with alternating current (AC), and it is possible to use direct current (DC) also, but DC involves more components and I haven't yet built a working model for DC so it won't be discussed or included here in this document. AC voltage synthesis is done by adding two or more parallel branches of AC voltage and then wiring them in series much like the batteries mentioned above; however, they must be isolated from each other and this can be done with a transformer. This isolation is only required when the input power source to the parallel branches are coming from the same source, i.e. your duplex receptacle which comes from the AC generator/alternator from your electrical power company. This isolation makes it look like two sources of input.
Take a look at diagram 1. Do NOT wire this diagram at home without reading this paragraph and the next one. It will not work, but it explains what is supposed to happen. The AC source can be from a signal generator or from your wall outlet with 60 Hertz frequency. This is like a single AC source battery. The + is connected to point B and the - is connected to point A. Points A and B is one parallel branch. Points C and D is the other parallel branch. If the AC source is 120 volts, then we have 120 volts of electromotive force going down both of the parallel branches, but if we connect these together by connecting point A with C and B with D and connecting A and C to the top of the load resistor and B and D to the bottom of the load resistor, we get only 120 volts as a voltage drop over this load resistor, because voltages do not add in parallel.
To add the two 120 volt parallel branches, we must connect them in series now. This is done by observing the line in the diagram that connects B to C. Now they are connected in series like the flashlight batteries ... but there is a problem. Because the source is only one source and like one battery and not two, it cannot be done. Connecting B to C is like connecting the positive of a battery to its negative; this would cause a direct short circuit and damage the battery. Therefore the B to C connection for AC (alternating current) is like joining a hot wire to the neutral wire causing a short and would probably trip your breaker switch if not cause an electrical fire. But this diagram shows how we must connect to add voltages, but first we must isolate the parallel branches from each other as I will display in diagram 3.
Now keep in mind that your wall outlet is a duplex receptacle where you can plug in two male three-prong plugs. These are both in parallel with each other and connected to the same source or hot and neutral wires. The hot is the black wire and the neutral is the white wire. The green or bare copper wire is the ground wire and is not needed in my diagrams for explanation, but when you work with high voltages I suggest you wire up a ground wire to a light bulb base if you have an oscilloscope to measure with since the oscilloscope has a ground clip. Don’t ever make the mistake thinking your oscilloscope is a voltmeter or you may connect your oscilloscope in parallel with the circuit thinking it is a voltmeter to measure volts and oh, oh you get a direct short going to ground through your oscilloscope ground clip; therefore, make sure you have a ground wire to connect the ground clip to if you use an oscilloscope to measure.
Now look at diagram 2. The AC sources are connected in series with the positive (+) of one source connected to the negative (-) of the other source. Note that these two sources are not coming from the same source as in diagram 1. These sources would be two alternators or signal generators or the secondary outputs of transformers (these transformers; however, can be connected to the same source). They should be the same make and models and they both should be in phase with each other. This can be observed with a dual-trace oscilloscope. The signal generators should be plugged into the same duplex receptacle or ones nearby each other. The wavelength of a 60 Hertz frequency waveform is quite long (5000 meters) so digital timers are not needed to control the phase relationship of the two sources so they are in step, i.e. the crests and troughs of the waves line up with each other. Adding or subtracting the length of wire can result in matching phase differences especially with high frequencies. Always keep the length of wires the same for the best performance when using multiple sources especially for high frequencies. Modulated carrier waves would be even more difficult to keep in phase compared to un-modulated waves and every nanometre would count for proper constructive interference to hear sound so each parallel voltage branch would need to be synchronized to a common time-base. Low frequency like 60 Hertz, it is not as important, at least to prove this technique of voltage addition works. Diagram 2 allows the voltage to double at the load resistor, just like the two batteries in a flashlight double the voltage in series. This is a form of passive amplification or addition or reinforcement, but actually constructive interference. Total destructive interference occurs when two waveforms are 180 degrees out of phase with each other for a sine ware (circle) that has 360 degrees. Search for constructive interference or standing waves on the Internet to understand this better. Active amplification uses transistors and other semiconductor components that need power to supply them the proper biasing voltages to operate. Passive components do not and a transformer is a passive amplifier as I will show in diagram 3. Transformers are like transducer triplers: 1) they can convert or transduce voltage into current (step-down transformer) or current into voltage (step-up transformer); 2) they transduce electricity into electromagnetism through the primary coil; 3) they transduce electromagnetism back into electricity through the secondary coil.
Now observe diagram 3. This is the diagram that I wish to patent and share with all the countries of the world. Here there is only one AC source. Let's say it is 120 volts of alternating current at 60 cycles per second (Hertz). There are two parallel branches made here, one branch goes to points A and B and the other branch goes to C and D. Both measure 120 volts AC with a voltmeter or oscilloscope. Now how can we add these together to make 240 volts AC? We do this by connecting them in series; however, the only way we can do this is by isolating the two parallel branches from each other so that the circuit thinks (pretend a circuit can think) they are two separate input sources. First we connect points B to C like we did in diagram 1, but in diagram 3 there is a transformer included which isolates the two parallel branches from each other. This is a no-step isolation transformer or one that has a one to one (1:1) ratio of winded coils, i.e. the number of coils in the primary equals the number of coils in the secondary, so what goes in the primary essentially comes out of the secondary, but not the real current, but the current induced by electromagnetism into the secondary from how transformers work. Points C and D are the outputs of the secondary and these are isolated from the input points E and F of the primary. R1 and R2 are the two load resistors, they are connected in series. Let us pretend they are both 100 watt light bulbs. Now if we connect an AC volt meter across the points G and J, it will measure 240 volts. If we measure the voltage across points G and H and then I and J, they will both measure 120 volts. This is because the 100 watt light bulbs are designed to operate with 120 volts so that is all they really need, so 120 volts drops over one bulb and the other 120 volts drops over the other bulb. Now the current that is needed for one light bulb is all that is needed to supply both, because we have the necessary voltage drops. Therefore this circuit saves 50% on the cost of electricity, because it is current that runs through our power meter connected to the power company's service drop to our homes and other buildings. The voltage that is available to us is actually free for us to utilize and should not affect the quality of the power company's services. Two copper wires in parallel say one meter long actually has less resistance then a single wire the same length, so it is easier on the electrical power system just like a 12/3 electrical wire provides less resistance to a pump than 14/3 wire, more voltage and current will get to the pump if it is near the lake quite a distance away. The 12/3 is thicker wire and the thicker the wire, the less resistance.
Now I will use Ohm's law to calculate the current needed for one 100 watt light bulb. I remember Ohm's law easily by the formula E = IR. You just have to remember that E comes before I and I comes before R in the alphabet (ascending order). E is electromotive force (pressure) or volts, I is the current in amps and R is the resistance in ohms. All we know at the moment is that one bulb uses 100 watts at 120 volts. So we need the power formula which is P = IE or pie. I just remember that P comes after I and I comes after E in the alphabet (descending order), opposite of the arrangement of E = IR. So if P = IE, then I = P/E which equals 100 watts divided by 120 volts (100/120). This equals .833333333 amps or about 833 milliamps. Now with E=IR we can calculate the resistance of the light bulb since R = E/I which equals 120 volts divided by 0.833 amps. This equals 144.06 ohms. Now from all this we can prove that the power we can get from this circuit in diagram 3 is P = EI or 240 volts times 0.833333333 amps which equals 199.99999992 watts. Actually 200 watts, because there are trailing infinite threes after the 0.833333333 amps. So this circuit proves that we are getting 200 watts of power or work for the price of 100 watts. Imagine applying this technique to two 1500 watt heaters. That would save half the cash in your bank account meant to pay the electrical power utility and be very beneficial for something like a greenhouse in the early spring. In fact this would approach being cheaper than other forms of heating, just figure out how many electric heaters needed to heat the building or greenhouse and synthesize the voltage needed to power them all. See diagrams 5 and 6 to learn how.
You may think or ask, “How can diagram 3 save 50% of the electricity needed? It is still producing 200 watts of power and the electrical energy must come from somewhere, either the current or voltage or both.” Well that is true because adding another voltage branch may require more power to create that and if it does tax (cost) the power company more to produce this, then they will know since they have a way to tell if it slows down their turbines and they compensate this very quickly by producing more steam to keep the turbines turning at the proper revolutions per minute. If they do, then they may increase the cost of electricity a bit for us if we use voltage synthesis in our buildings and elsewhere. The turbines/alternators are usually 3-phase systems and this keeps the voltage very constant no matter what loads are applied to them, the problem is the current is not as ready; you may notice this when you are in the bathroom and the furnace turns on and you notice the lights flicker; that is a problem with the current. Creating multiple voltage branches is easy for the system because voltage is actually just an attraction between the two opposite polarities like a battery is or the poles of a magnet. The higher the voltage the greater the attraction and probably because of the magnetic field and electric field of the current of electrons that initially travel down the hot wire to the appropriate slot in a duplex receptacle due to the attraction it has to the neutral wired slot which is less than a half inch away from the hot wired slot, the electrons stay here because the hot wired slot somehow detects the polarity of the neutral slot due to the magnetic and electric fields involved which could interact very close to the neutral slot which may have a build up of holes or positive ions near it. This is why sometimes flashover can occur between these slots if a male cord end comes loose and arcing occurs between the slot and prongs. The wiring behind the wall and even our lamp cords and other extension cords also are too close together causing this attraction when the device is turned off causing fatalities with children or dogs who chew on the cords. This present system should be changed to prevent these fatalities if I know what I am talking about here, I think I know how. Anyway this is why voltage is so easy to create in copper wiring, due to this polarity attraction that we understand little about. Extend a 14/2 wire about 50 yards or more. It goes quite a ways before the voltage drops due to the small resistance in the wires for that length. Now imagine how many duplex receptacles you could tie into (wire up) along this 50 yard or more length before the voltage would drop too low. It would be quite a few. That is why the voltage synthesizer is very feasible for large loads and multiples devices.
A note about the isolation transformer needed for this circuit in diagram 3. The only ones I know of are large heavy bulky ones. For 100 watt bulbs, we wouldn't need such large ones, so we would need transformer companies to manufacture smaller ones for use with lights or lamps, but heaters and heavy duty appliances etc., large transformers would be required. These heavy isolation transformers were actually meant for television repair technicians to use to provide safety for them while they did their repair work (troubleshooting) while the power to the TV or electronic device was turned on. This isolation prevented power surges in the electrical transmission lines from harming them or the electronics and also protected them from electrical thunder storm activity. They also use them in hospitals to protect the biomedical devices and the patients. The devices would include various vital-sign monitors, MRI scanners, etc. and even radiation therapy machines for cancer. To see one of the no-step isolation transformers I use go to http://www.be-electronics.com/product_p/171e.htm, click on Enlarge Photo to see the schematic of the Hammond model #171e. Notice that the wider neutral slot on the left is connected to the top of the primary coil, but the wider neutral slot on the right is connected to the bottom of the secondary coil, so there is some kind of polarity change here. I do not show this is diagram 3 for simplicity to show the series connection. Model 171e has the proper male and female cord end connectors, so you don’t have to worry so much about wiring the circuit up incorrectly like I write about below and even if you do there will be no harm done since it is either 100% constructive interference resulting in 240 volts or 100% destructive interference resulting in zero volts. You can learn more about this constructive interference by searching for it and also for standing waves on the Internet by going to a search engine like google.com or yahoo.com, etc.
When 240 volts is created from two 120 volt parallel branches, it may be possible to just have one 100 watt light bulb at the load. The whole 240 volts would then drop over the 100 watt bulb and only half the current would be needed. From P=EI, I = P/E which equals 100 watts divided by 240 volts equalling 0.41666666666 amps. This would have to be considered by the lighting engineers if this could be allowed since they say our light bulbs are designed for 120 volts. The 240 volts might shorten the life span of the bulb, but maybe not. I am mentioning this, because it is not always that we need two 100 watt bulbs lit in our homes when one is sufficient. Engineers will develop a system to control devices with this new technology using switches, potentiometers, etc. to control the device when you only want one lamp on instead of two for example. The complete circuit would have to be built into the base of the lamp or somewhere near the duplex receptacle and made child-proof.
Now let's look at diagram 4. Do NOT construct this circuit without reading this paragraph and the next, because it will not work and may be dangerous due to the short circuits in it, but this diagram will aid me in explaining the feasibility of a voltage synthesizer. Diagram 5 should be a workable circuit that will function correctly. The problem I have is that I only have one isolation transformer to work with, but I have a small 10:1 ratio step-down transformer I could use to prove my idea works, but these transformers are designed for 120 volts, not 240 volts or greater, so the limit of the voltage synthesizer will depend on the size and voltage-rating capabilities of the transformers; otherwise, the limit of the synthesizer would be unlimited or infinite. Each doubling of the voltage level should also double the distance capability for current to travel down a wire. And if only half the current is needed, then the distance it can travel should double again. I have two working prototypes for diagram 3, one producing 24 volts from 12 volts AC and the other producing 240 volts from 120 volts AC. I do not have a prototype for diagram 5 as I write this, but I thought that I should submit this to the Intellectual Property office as soon as possible since the idea is so simple, somebody else could soon think of it also.
Back to diagram 4. In this diagram you will see 5 two-prong plugs intended to plug into the same AC source. It has three isolation transformers, but the bottom one has a center tap that has a slider to vary the amount of voltage coming out of its secondary therefore it is adjustable or you can wind your own transformer to get the voltage you want. R3 just represents the total resistance of the devices you want at the load. Now this circuit will NOT work because the five plugs connect to the same source input. It would work though if it uses two different AC sources such as two alternators or signal generators, but they must be in phase like I wrote about earlier above. Let's say the top wires coming out of the plugs at the left are the hot wires and bottom wires are the neutral wires. This circuit will not work because the neutral wire of plug 1 is connected to point A which is connected through the secondary coil to point B which is connected to the hot wire of plug 3, so this causes a short circuit. The same happens with the transformer connected to plug 4.
Diagram 4 may work with one source by putting large capacitors in series with the connections that attach to points A and B. I do not have large capacitors, but my smaller ones do stop the short circuiting and I do get 120 volts, but not 240 volts. I do not know why. Perhaps you can figure this out. Capacitors block DC current but they pass AC current, but how can they pass current when there is a dielectric insulator in them between the plates? I think capacitors make the circuit appear it is passing the current because first they charge up during the first half of the waveform cycle and then they discharge during the second half of the cycle as the current alternates (changes direction through the conductors (wire)). So as one plate charges, the other plate discharges and vice versa or what they actually do is change polarity every half cycle or wavelength. Therefore they do not actually pass the real current otherwise there would be a short circuit again. This is why capacitors are much like batteries especially with DC current. Do not use electrolytic capacitors since they are meant only for DC circuits.
Diagram 4 should work with two different sources and would be a voltage synthesizer for an odd voltage such as 547 volts that you needed for a mixture of devices at the load with specific voltage drops over each. Power plugs 1, 2, 3, and 4 would supply 120 volts each equalling 480 volts and plug 5 would supply 67 volts through its varied adjustable output. 480 plus 67 equals 547 volts. Plugs 1, 3, and 5 would connect with one input source (for example - an alternator) and plugs 2 and 4 would connect with the other source (another alternator). Again make sure the input sources are putting out waveforms that are in phase with each other to avoid destructive interference. Also I just thought – if you are using two different power sources, then you don’t need the isolation transformers at all, because the two different sources are already isolated from each other. Just connect them in series.
What you can do though is go back to diagram 3, where there are two parallel branches. Now you can just make two more parallel branches. Connect the first two parallel branches in series to make 240 volts, then connect the other two branches in series to make another 240 volts. Now you have two sources of 240 volts where you use an isolation transformer to isolate these two sources from each other, then you have them connected in series and this should give you 480 volts at the output, if my theory is feasible. In fact you may not need the isolation transformer for connecting these two sources since they may already be isolated due to the first two transformers. I will have to draw more sketches and conduct experiments to verify this.
Diagram 5 shows a better way to do this if you want higher voltages at the output. This uses three power plugs plugged into the same source. You can use one of those multiple outlets or a power bar or two nearby duplex receptacles. Plugs 1 and 2 produce 240 volts across the AC voltmeter at points A and B. Then two more parallel branches are made supplying 240 volts each, one across points C and D and the other across E and F. Note that just to the left of point E, the horizontal line going to point K and the vertical between D and F, these lines crisscross here, but they are not connected here. The parallel branch CD is connected in series with the parallel branch EF by connecting points D with L. T2 is connected in series with T3 through the M and G. The voltage measured across G and H is 67 volts after the center tap is adjusted for this level. Then the total voltage across the load resistor R1 at points I and J will be 547 volts (240 plus 240 plus 67 equals 547). If you want to you could put a load resistor across points A and B such as a light bulb and still have 547 volts at R1, but then you would lose some current available for R1 since you would now have three parallel branches of 240 volts each when before we had two branches. Current divides into the parallel branches depending on the total resistance in each branch.
If you wanted 600 (5 x 120) volts for some reason, you could use diagram 5 except you would use all of the secondary of transformer T3. Point J would then connect to point N and the point H connection would be omitted. Comprehend vous the potentiality of this? 600 volts would enable you to light up five 100 watt light bulbs for the price of one. Think how much power could be produced and saved on NASA’s space stations. Think what this will do for the solar power industry after they invert the DC current to AC current. Countries like those in Africa that don’t have much power to generate would now be able to produce more from the little they do have.
Diagram 6 shows you how to get 360 volts if you needed this much. Two transformers would be needed. Plug 1 could be placed between plugs 2 and 3 if you want, but you cannot use only one transformer and two straight through plugs like plug 1, because there would be that short again between the hot and neutral wires through the secondary coil of the transformer like I mentioned above in a paragraph about diagram 4.
If you have problems with the circuit not working, i.e. you get zero volts at the output, no bulbs lighting up or they are dim, it is probably due to one or more of transformers being wired up incorrectly causing destructive interference and not constructive interference. To correct this you can switch around the wires connected to the secondary and/or the primary. If you get zero volts, then one or more of the isolation transformers is 180 degrees out of phase with the sources that they are connected to that don't connect to a transformer, but are in series with the secondarys of the transformers. Use a dual-trace oscilloscope if you have one to pinpoint the problem.
Diagram 5 is actually a cascaded series-parallel circuit where the series-parallel connection repeats after every doubling of the voltage. This cascaded circuit involves the two parallel branches made from power plugs 1 and 2, not plug 3.
If fast digital timers and silicon-controlled switches are used, you may be able to shut off the input source just after the desired output level is reached after each series connection and then cascade this circuit to higher voltage levels as in diagram 5. This would work if you wanted a short pulse of very high voltage for some reason. Electricity travels at about 300,000 meters per second or about 1000 slower than the speed of light (300,000,000 meters per second), so the switching may have to be very fast even in the nanoseconds.
I measured 240 volts AC across two light bulbs in series with both my voltmeter and oscilloscope. Later I thought I better measure the current to make sure I knew what I was talking about before I submit this to the Patent Office. I did this and found that the current through both light bulbs used the same amount of current through one bulb directly connected to a cord plugged into a wall outlet. Case closed, this voltage addition technique (process) works period.
You may ask, “But what good is 240 volts AC good for when electricians already wire up 240 volts for devices like dryers and stoves in our homes? Couldn’t they just use that?” I may be wrong, but no you cannot use that system of 240 volts. I read somewhere that all they do is put two hot black wires together in parallel to the device and what this does is just give twice the current to be available. They just call it 240 volts, because it sounds better and safer to refer to then say calling it 40 amps or 60 amps. Each device uses different amounts of current, so they call it 240 volts instead.
They may be using two wires of different phase somehow since you have actually three bundles of wire in your service drop (either from the power line pole or buried cables from a transformer on the ground). These are an insulated white cable, black cable, and red cable. The black and red cables are hot and each of the wires in the black cable are connected to a bus strip in the breaker box in the basement and each of the wires in the red cable are connected to another strip. If a 240 volt duplex receptacle actually does measure 240 volts with your voltmeter (do not use one of those other testers that don’t display the volts), then yes you may be able to use this 240 volts to power two devices that are the same like in diagram 3, but I don’t think so since diagram 3 uses two parallel branches of 120 volts and sees the load resistance of 288 ohms for two 100 watt light bulbs. Each voltage branch sees the load and only puts out half the current needed for one light bulb of 416 mAmps, since that is all the total load resistance of 288 ohms will allow each branch to put through it, but 2 times 416 equals 833 mAmps which is all that is needed for one 100 watt light bulb at 120 volts, but now we have 240 volts to push this 833 milliamps through both light bulbs. Don’t throw away your old incandescent light bulbs yet as they are very useful for producing heat and light as you will realize when I explain diagram 7.
This concludes my explanation of this simple way to add voltages especially from a common source. I wish there was an even easier way to do this - isolate the parallel branches, but I guess we'll have to use isolation transformers for now. Maybe this will trigger ideas in you or someone else to apply or improve this contribution of mine regarding power supply technology. I will be performing more experiments with this and may add appendages to this document later and post on Internet as e-book. Later I will write about how to do this with DC voltage, which will really be a mind-blowing potential for what batteries can do.
I bought another no-step transformer and wired up diagram 6 and it worked perfectly the first time I applied power. Then I constructed diagram 5, without the tapped transformer, to see if I could jump from 240 volts to 480 volts using this cascaded method of using fewer transformers. Again a great success the first time I plugged it in. Diagram 5 uses less transformers meaning you only need two transformers to get 480 volts instead of three. For 960 volts you would only need three transformers instead of seven.
Even if the electrical power companies raised the prices too high after we utilized these methods in our buildings, the voltage synthesizer will still be an asset very beneficial for scientific research, but I don’t foresee them raising prices too high, since it is a way for them to produce more power while burning less oil, coal, wood, etc. to create steam to turn the turbines. This burning needs to be reduced due to the global warming effect and pollution especially in China where 500,000 people die per year due to breathing smog from the burning coal and due to these resources dwindling in supply that we need to smelter steel products to build our vehicles and skyscraper steel beams, etc. Also there is the problem with mercury poisoning which spreads from burning fuels with mercury traces in it such as coal and oil. Anyone opposed to this new innovation which will make electricity cheaper should just contact me to discuss all this so I can assure them they won’t have their livelihoods threatened. Of course there will be new innovations and jobs and training for the technicians to maintain the units and all this will be phased in slowly and used first where it is needed the most. When I write about batteries and DC applications, it will be even better what can be done. The money saved from all this will benefit the economy and this money will be applied to other problems in this world such as poverty and paying special attention to our young so they all become productive citizens. Please remain open and optimistic about our future.
Now about diagram 7. Here is the really good news. First there is a problem with the previous diagrams. All the light bulbs connected at the load are connected in series; this is no good if you want only one light on or if one burns out, they would all cease working. Then there is also the problem of the output voltages being too high for safety standards regulated by the electrical code, the authorities probably would not allow it in residential homes, but maybe in factories. Imagine a large grocery department store that has 10 coolers or freezers in it that are all the same model and operate from 120 volts of input power. The voltage synthesizer could create 1200 volts to power them all in series for the cost and current needed for only one, but if one ceased working they would all cease. Diagram 7 shows how to fix this problem and make it so it is just as safe as before and it won’t matter if one cooler fails the other nine will still run and you can even turn some of them off if necessary, any number from 1 to 10 will operate. And this is a way to save even more electricity if you just want to run say one device like a 1500 watt heater; create 1200 volts and then step it back down to 120 volts. See the calculations I make below like I did before for the 100 watt light bulbs using Ohm’s Law.
Diagram 7 includes 4 transformers; 3 are no-step ones and the 4th is a step-down one with a 5:1 ratio. There are five 100 watt light bulbs connected to switches and all these bulbs with switches are connected in parallel to the secondary of T4. With the same method used in diagram 3 we create 240 volts between points A and B; then with the cascading method of diagram 5 we create 480 volts between points C and D; then we add the 120 volt branch measured between E and F which results in 600 volts between the points C and F which are the inputs to primary coil of T4. T4 then drops the 600 volts back down to 120 volts or 600/5 = 120. Now since the five light bulbs are connected in parallel, all five will receive 833 mAmps due to T4 converting the voltage into current resulting in 833 mAmps drawn from the power source of 120 volts AC in the duplex receptacle in the wall, meaning 833 mAmps times 5 equalling 4.165 Amps. This means we are still running 5 light bulbs for the price of one or 833 mAmps, but it is much safer being at 120 volt levels. Now notice in the diagram I have only switch S1 turned on and the other four are turned off. This would result in only 833 mAmps coming out of the T4 secondary instead of 4.165 Amps, therefore we do not need 833 mAmps coming out of the 120 volt AC power supply at the far left of diagram, but only 833 mAmps divided by 5 equalling 167 mAmps. That saves 80 % of electricity just for having one light bulb on. An even greater asset regarding the diagram 7 method is that you can use various wattage bulbs in the output for resistors R1 to R5 such as a 40 watt bulb, a 60 watt bulb, a 200 watt bulb, a 150 watt bulb, and a 100 watt bulb connected in parallel together and the appropriate current divides into each bulb depending on its resistance. A 100 watt bulb measures 144 ohms and a 200 watt bulb would be 72 ohms. You can even connect tri-light bulbs into it. You just have to watch the VA wattage ratings for the transformers to make sure you don’t exceed those levels.
Now imagine you created 1200 volts then you would need a 10:1 step-down transformer for T4 with the addition of another no-step transformer to cascade 600 volts to 1200 volts. Then you could power 10 light bulbs with 120 volts AC and save 90 % electricity since only one 100 watt bulb turned on would only require 833 mAmps dividing by 10 equalling 83 mAmps. Imagine applying all this to five or ten 1500 watt heaters set at whatever levels you want either low, medium, or high.
Think of the electricity you would save and you could heat a greenhouse so easily that you could possibly grow food all winter long just as long as you cover the greenhouse some to insulate it and also you could use all this extra power to generate your own artificial light including those bright halogen bulbs of high wattage. This is an answer to the food shortage problem and would lower food prices all over tremendously. It would be a solution for producing food on space stations in outer space. Then in hot arid regions air conditioners, coolers, and freezers could be applied. Compressors and pumps will be more powerful to use.
Think of the electricity you would save and you could heat a greenhouse so easily that you could possibly grow food all winter long just as long as you cover the greenhouse some to insulate it and also you could use all this extra power to generate your own artificial light including those bright halogen bulbs of high wattage. This is an answer to the food shortage problem and would lower food prices all over tremendously. It would be a solution for producing food on space stations in outer space. Then in hot arid regions air conditioners, coolers, and freezers could be applied. Compressors and pumps will be more powerful to use.
The only drawback to this voltage synthesis process is the addition of transformers and the higher the wattage ratings of the devices we want to operate, then the larger the transformers needed. Many new transformers will need to be manufactured from very small ones way up to giant ones like those you see at large factories and power generating utility companies. Transformers engineers will have their work cut out for them and should get right on this new innovation in power supply technology.
All diagrams should first be constructed with low voltages such as 12 volts AC instead of 120 volts AC. Purchase a 10:1 step-down transformer which steps 120 volts down to 12 volts. Complete the success of the circuit of diagram 3 first with 12 volts to 24 volts, then you will give yourself assurance to work with higher amplitude levels. When you work with much higher voltages you must always take into account the VA ratings of the transformers and remember the power factor goes down when the load of one transformer is another transformer primary coil which has impedance in it due to it being an inductor and having inductive reactance which makes the voltage and current waveforms lead or lag from each other and this behaviour is different from resistance loads which keep the power factor at 1.0., rather than 0.7 or 0.8. More transformer models will have to be manufactured to satisfy the desires of voltage synthesizer users. Most new no-step transformers do have fuses in them which will open if too much power goes through them.
Regarding battery or DC voltage synthesis applications I will be patenting the circuits for this since they are more complex and this will happen when I find the funds. However, if you want to get started with DC, you can just use inverters. For example you have a 12 volt DC battery, you just have to feed 12 volts DC into an inverter that inverts the 12 volts DC into 12 volts AC, then you can pass this 12 volts AC through a no-step transformer for isolating parallel branches, but first you must convert the 12 volts AC coming out of the secondary back into DC and this is done with rectifiers and a capacitor to smooth out the DC to be level. Then you can connect this branch with another branch coming from the 12 volt battery to create 24 volts like the doubling of the voltage in diagram 3. You probably have to use a 1:2 step-up isolation transformer though since 24 volts would be needed at the secondary since rectifying the output drops the voltage in half which would be 12 volts. You can search for inverters on the Internet to build your own or buy those ones that connect to your vehicle, just get one with enough wattage for the 120 volt AC devices you want to operate. I will have a prototype that uses one of these inverters with my voltage synthesizer that I will be taking to Trade Shows etc. and it will be astonishing!
Search the Internet or Wikipedia.com for transducers that will convert other forms of energy into DC voltage. Then you may use these as another method to isolate parallel branches from each other such as a microphone coupled to a speaker of the same size. The speaker transduces electricity into sound and then sound is transduced back into electricity through the microphone, but if the voltage is lower at the output of the microphone then the output going to the speaker, it will not be as effective a transducer like a transformer is and the voltage levels desired would be more difficult to reach. The problem with most tranducers is that they only produce low voltages, so they would not be much use for higher voltages like 12 volt batteries, but they would really help with small or tiny voltages like those used in smart technology for monitoring bridges, etc. and even personal medical devices in the body that are powered from electricity generated from currents in the body itself. I foresee people having their own electric blanket like jackets and pants to keep them warm in the winter generated from their own bio-electricity flowing into probes attached to specific acupuncture points, etc. or from brain waves after they are rectified into DC levels. Our future looks brighter than a 100 watt bulb.
Memory Aid
I am a strong, proud Christian and have been doing some things that gratify God resulting in me being blessed with this new technique which will change technology, so I like to usually include something about God or Christianity when I write. I actually prayed to God asking Him to help me come up with something simple in electronics or electricity that I could easily make at home. I told Him I knew that there was something in electricity that could be improved upon and that other experts have not noticed. You too should study basic analog electronics and you too might think of a better or easier way to do something. This applies to anything in life.
Here goes: did you know that artificial light or electricity is like Christianity or any other form of enlightenment? When you become a Christian (hopefully you are enlightened when you do this), you actually go from darkness to light and you see the truth spiritually. Physically now when you go into a dark room, you search for the light switch and when you find it, you flick it on and the room goes from darkness to light and you see the truth or arrangement of the contents in the room so you can manoeuvre. Now this next bit of information is handy for electrical hobbyists and even for new electricians in training. In electrical wiring, the hot wire is the black wire and the neutral wire is the white wire. Therefore when a light is first switched on, electrical current begins to flow from the black (dark) wire to the white (light) wire and then it reverses direction during the next half cycle of the alternating current waveform. Spiritually when you are living in darkness, you are in hot water so to speak, because if you don't search for the light, you may find the hot fire of hell instead someday if you don't change and remain incorrigible. Sorry to preach. Now that this has helped you remember which color is the hot and neutral, where do these wires go in the electrical box? They attach to screws which are also color coded. The black wire goes to the brass screw and the white wire goes to the silver screw. You just have to remember that the silver screw is lighter in color than the brass screw. So the white wire goes to the lighter-colored screw and the black wire goes to the darker-colored screw. The green or bare copper wire is for the ground and its screw is color coded also and easy to determine where it goes. We are green or bare when we are trying to decide if we should become Christian. Being green or bare is dangerous because this is when you are exposed like being naked and you may become attacked by the adversary of Christ who wants to keep you in darkness. Jesus Christ had absolutely no darkness in Him and this is why He could do all the signs, wonders, and miracles after the dove (Holy Spirit) landed on Him after John baptized Him and then He began to preach and do those miracles, when He was about 30 years of age, and then after a short time doing this they crucified Him when He was 31. Psalm 31:5 verifies this and the 5 stands for the 5 wounds the Romans gave Him. Now take a look at a duplex receptacle. They should be installed with the ground prong going in at the top not at the bottom below the two other prongs. First it is safer if the ground prong is at the top since this helps prevent the cord from pulling out and becoming loose in the slots causing arcing and/or flashover, because most cords plugged in hang down, not up. Second it will help you remember which slot is the hot and neutral slot. You just have to remember that the right slot is the neutral for the white wire. White is right here and this slot is the wider one. So there you go, a way to remember these things next time you do your own electrical work.
Make sure you remember this - it becomes unsafe to measure voltages 600 volts or more with a regular voltmeter due to the insulation on the leads, that you touch with your fingers, not being sufficient enough to protect you. Therefore be careful with diagrams 5 and 7 which show how to synthesize 600 volts or more. You do not have to measure the voltages, just see if your load devices are operating correctly, count how many there are and times that amount by 120 volts or just measure the individual voltage drops if necessary (for series connected loads in diagram 5). For diagram 7, do not measure the primary coil voltage of the step-down transformer. Be aware and take care out there.
If you like my writing you can go to www.amazon.com/kindle and search for M L Harris to see my e-books. You may like To Measure the Space in Between and Capacity Overload which have lots of science and technology. Another author is M.L.Harris, with dots, who is not me. I will be writing a book similar to a text book called Voltage Synthesizer Basics. Hope you see this in stores.
To learn more you can see some videos I made of my diagrams and prototype at https://www.youtube.com/user/SuperPutzPutz in memory of one of my cats and the song I wrote about cougars. I will be making more videos so check back once in awhile, but have a look at what a real science and technology nerd looks like complete with coke-bottle bottom-like glasses.
If there is anything you do not understand about all this voltage synthesis process or you want ideas how to use this in your field of expertise, you may contact me at M_L_Harris@live.com or reach me by writing or even phoning shown under the bibliography tab.
For more information and to see the line numbers referred to, go to:
Check back later since I will be adding more of my descriptions and diagrams related to this invention process. Next will be the DC Voltage Synthesizer method plus how to pass (direct current) DC through a transformer constantly, it will be like two inventions in one. Of course, I will have to build a prototype before I do any boasting. Wish me luck!
Godspeed to you all!
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